Lietuvoje per Facebook siūlomas nelegalus "modelio" darbas Kinijoje

Norime perspėti visus modelius, kad žemiau aprasyti darbai nėra MODELIO darbas ir jokia patikima modelių agentūra tokio pobūdžio darbų nesiūlys. Toks darbas Kinijoje ne tik nelegalus, bet ir pavojingas. Tai artima prostitucijai ir prekybai žmonemis. Primygtinai prašome visų modelių nereaguoti į tokius pasiūlymus:
Hello [vardas],
Our very New Model Agency based in China, Shanghai looking for new faces and glamorous models. We are looking just for the best AAA class models boys and girls. You are going to work in a 5* designed studio with indoor and outdoor swimming pools, Jacuzzis, in the studio where design with sand and the beach, tropical trees, also as a role as cowboy girl/boy, erotic stuff with just lingerie or bikinis..
Also we provide jobs in the most famous clubs in Shanghai like M1nt, M2,Cuvea as a promotion stuff to keep the high class of the club.
Some of the best models going to be in a Playboy and another world class magazines.
It’s the best opportunity you can have
If you are a model and can travel please email me or just send me a message on facebook.
The job is only for 3 weeks as we are looking for different models all the time.
The air tickets, visas and accommodation will be provided by our company.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Lithuanian models casting director,
Pasiulymai siunčiami is profilio
Nepasitikėkite tokio pobūdžio pasiūlymais bei abejotinos reputacijos žmonemis. Už tokio pobučio veiklą gresia baudžiamoji atsakomybė.
patikimos modelių agentūros priklauso tarptautinei asociacijai M.A.M.A. Asociacijos narių sąrašą galite rasti oficialioje M.A.M.A. svetainėje.